Pet Friendly Fake Grass

Are you tired of man’s best friend ripping holes in the lawn or dragging their muddy paws back into the house? Artificial pet grass keeps your pets safe and is easy to maintain.

Whether it’s a Labrador or a puppy dog, they’re not ripping through the turf with their claws. The grass drains fast after even the heaviest downpour, so there are no muddy paws.


Pet’s paws are sensitive to heat and cold, but the artificial pet turf won’t burn or freeze their paws like natural grass. Pets have their favorite spot to go to the bathroom. With natural grass, everyone knows it because of the dead brown grass. No pesty pesticides…..That doesn’t happen with fake pet grass from TURFCYCLE.


The grass stays lush and green no matter how many treats your pet ate the day before. Pick up the number two and let Mother Nature or your garden hose wash away number one.




Synthetic turf is a smart solution for playing fields and landscape that have become unsafe and unsightly from overuse or severe climatic conditions. No more Mud…  A grass field simply cannot remain lush and resilient if it is used more than three to four days a week, or in the rain, or during the months when grass doesn’t grow. This fact, coupled with an escalating need for durable fields that accommodate multiple sports teams and activities, the high cost of maintaining a grass sports field, and the need to conserve water, have prompted a rising number of schools and parks to turn to fake grass to meet their program needs. Today’s Fake grass is designed to simulate the experience of practicing and playing on the best grass fields.

Demand has grown to the point where more than 12,000 multi-use synthetic turf sports fields are now enjoyed in North American schools, colleges, parks and professional sports stadiums. About half of all NFL teams currently play their games on synthetic turf and, since 2003, over 70 FIFA U-17 and U-20 World Cup matches have been played on synthetic turf soccer fields.  Water consumption is at an all-time high. Fake Grass does not require any water.  Big Savings…. Fertilizer for Natural grass is also problem.  It makes its way into the water system and water table.  Fake grass has no need for fertilizer.



Turfcycle is the leader in recycling and repurposing sport field LOGO/ENDZONE turf.  Very inexpensive material for Daycares, Kids play or Pet rescue facilities on limited funds. Many size and shapes and colors to pick from. Material comes from Colleges, Universities, High Schools  and Professional facilities.


Synthetic turf for Baseball areas

Batting cages is not just the only use. Many field owners replace their facilities from natural grass to Fake Grass… Baseball areas that are very popular are Halo behind the catchers areas, Batting rings, Pitchers mount areas also the dugout spots. A great look while protecting the grounds.

Author: turfAdm23

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